USAID- FIL Aquaculture Biosecurity Project University of the Ibadan holds workshop on the Implementations of Best Management Practices in Aquaculture and E-Technology Platform Adoption for Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Nigeria
USAID- FIL Aquaculture Biosecurity Project University of the Ibadan holds workshop on the Implementations of Best Management Practices in Aquaculture and E-Technology Platform Adoption for Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Nigeria
Pic.4.A Cross-section of participants at USAID- FIL Aquaculture Biosecurity Project University of the Ibadan workshop on the Implementations of Best Management Practices in Aquaculture and E-Technology Platform Adoption for Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Nigeria, in Ibadan on Tuesday (9/5/23). 01554/Olayinka Bode-Are/JAU/NAN